October 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear praying friends,
Mario started riding the bus to church, here at Mount Hebron, a few years ago. His parent’s are separated but he is close to both of them. As a teenager, he wants to do what is right (which can be a rare thing in this world), but that put him in a difficult situation. He wants to please God, who says that he must attend church on Sunday and be an active soul winner. He wants to please his mother, who wants him to live with her; and he wants to please his father, who wants to spend time with him on his day off, which is Sunday.
Confused, Mario got out of church for a few months. We were patient with him and gave him advise and time to figure things out. One Sunday, he was back! It was time for youth camp and he wanted to go with us. We were delighted! God spoke to him that week. He cried as he told me that he knew what he was supposed to do. Mario hasn’t missed a Sunday. He is a faithful soul winner. He has a great relationship with his dad, his mom and the Lord.
This story might sound familiar to you. You may have similar stories. We work with people like Mario all the time — real human beings with real problems. When you pray for us and support us, you are having an impact on the mission field. People like Mario need missionaries like us to guide and teach them. Thank you for keeping us on the mission field with your prayer and support.
In order for our ministry to grow, so we can reach more people like Mario, we need to be fully funded. One of our greatest limitations is lack of funds. We need funds to run more busses, and reach more people. There is a great need.
Will you pray about taking us on for support? If your church already supports us, will you pray about increasing our support as we increase our intensity to reach the lost?
We need prayer for our legal battle for our properties. Things are taking a turn for the better, but we still have a long road ahead. Pray for provision for this need.
Please pray for our Bible institute. We are currently training 28 nationals, but we want to double that number in the next two years. We need to build dorms and a dining hall in order to reach this goal.
Thank you for taking time to read our prayer letters. You are a great encouragement to us.
Yours in His service,
Jonathan Ashcraft